Dr. Skarada:
We're just talking. And so this is Doug Skarada with the Modern Nose Clinic. And I won't use your name, but one of my lovely patients who just two weeks ago – roughly two weeks ago, had an awake, in-office, nasal procedure. And they're always a lot of fun for me because I get a chance to talk with family and get to know them a little bit better. But sometimes the patients don't remember a whole lot from those experiences. What was your experience like?
Well, that was it exactly. I was – I took a anti-anxiety pill ahead of time, or two actually. And then I also had a pain medication, and so I felt nothing. And I felt very relaxed. As I was recovering then, that evening, I took another pain medication to make sure I would sleep that night. And that was the last I took of any pain medication, so I had no pain afterwards. And I felt just – I felt like I just needed to be quiet for a day, but after that, I was back to my active self.
Dr. Skarada:
That is awesome. Thank you for sharing that–
Dr. Skarada:
–with us. You know, I have been an ear nose and throat doctor for almost 20 years, and for the majority of that time, I would take people just like you to the OR; we put an IV in their arm. The anesthesiologist, who was a delightful person, would put a breathing tube down. And basically, they didn't put you to sleep, they induced a coma and they would paralyze you. And we would do our surgery. And then when you woke up, you'd feel nausea, you might throw up. And that's why we kept you in the recovery room, so no one would see that. And then you would proceed to miss about two weeks of work, and you were on narcotics. And there was packing. So this would be traumatically different from that.
Oh, absolutely!
Dr. Skarada:
Dr. Skarada:
We just think people should be aware there is a different way. Thank you very much. Doug Skarada, with the Modern Nose Clinic.