Avoid unnecessary surgery
Patients don’t want surgery….
If it can be avoided, that’s typically the best course of action.
You don’t want to put your life on hold
You don’t want added cost
You don’t want weeks of recovery time
Relief is possible without surgery.
The Modern Nose Clinic offers several in-office procedures that help our patients avoid surgery in most cases.
Dr. Skarada understands your concerns
Spot the Difference: Nasal Procedure vs Nasal Surgery
The biggest differences between in-office procedures and traditional sinus surgery include:
The biggest difference between the two is the fees.
When it comes to surgery, there are several different fees that add up. You typically pay a facility fee, anesthesia fee, and a surgeon fee.
However, in-office procedures only include the surgeon fee.

Surgeries come with more risk of complication than procedures. The two main risk factors are:
There is more bleeding associated with traditional surgery because there is often more cutting. Blood dilation due to anesthesia can also cause more bleeding.
Many people experience unique reactions to anesthesia such as nausea, dizziness, emotional distress, or other medical risks.

You can rest easy the night before your in-office procedure knowing there is no cutting, less bleeding, and no traditional anesthesia.
When it comes to surgery, painful recovery can take weeks. This is due to several factors.
- Excess bleeding may occur during surgery
- The packing that is used
- Narcotics prescribed

When you have an in-office procedure, there is no excess bleeding. There is no packing. There are no narcotics because there is little to no pain.
Find out if you can avoid surgery
If you can avoid surgery and still get long-lasting relief from your sinus pain, wouldn't you want to know?
Schedule with The Modern Nose Clinic today to find out if one of our minimally invasive procedures can help you avoid surgery.