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Allergy Care

Testing & Immunotherapy

Feel like you’re STUCK with your allergy symptoms?

We measure your allergy symptoms over time. Take our allergy quiz to determine the severity of your symptoms and how we can help.


What Causes an Allergy?

An allergic reaction customarily results from a chain of events that starts in your genetic makeup and ultimately prompts a response by your immune system.  It happens when your immune system mistakes a normally harmless foreign substance as being harmful and so produces antibodies to protect you.  The normally harmless substance is now recognized as an “allergen” by your body, and an allergic reaction can occur.

You Might Have Any of These Allergy Symptoms

  • Eye discomfort:  redness, itching, watering, and puffy, blue-toned skin under the eyes
  • Nasal discomfort:  congestion, itchiness, sneezing, runny nose, postnasal drip
  • Sinus discomfort:  pain, pressure, recurrent infections, drainage
  • Oral discomfort:  itchiness of the throat or roof of the mouth
  • Ear discomfort:  fullness, pain, recurrent infections
  • Skin problems:  irritation, itching, welts, rash, hives
  • Respiratory difficulties:  shortness of breath, wheezing, coughing, chest tightness
  • Gastrointestinal issues:  pain, cramps, vomiting, or diarrhea
  • General health changes:  headaches, fatigue, or hyperactivity
pollen count salem oregon

You Can Have Outdoor, Indoor or Food Allergies

Outdoor allergies typically result from pollens and pollutants.  Salem, Portland and Bellevue are frequently on's list of worst cities for allergy sufferers.  There are two main allergy seasons in the Oregon & Washington areas.  Early spring brings high counts of tree pollen.  Late spring to early summer sees some of the highest pollen counts in the US from various grass pollens.  Common symptoms involve the sinuses, nasal congestion, facial pressure, cough, and thick nasal discharge.  You may also be more likely to develop chronic sinusitis during peak allergy seasons

Common indoor allergens might be animal dander, dust mites, molds, or irritants such as chemicals and cigarette smoke. Common symptoms can include sneezing, stuffiness, runny nose, and itchy nose, eyes, or roof of the mouth.

Food allergies result from overreaction to a protein specific to foods such as eggs, peanuts, milk, wheat, tree nuts, and shellfish.  Symptoms of a food allergy can range from mild to severe and may involve the skin, the gastrointestinal tract, the cardiovascular system, and the respiratory tract.

Pollen Tracker

For today's allergy report, enter your zip code below.

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Anaphylaxis is a serious, life-threatening allergic reaction.

The most common causes of anaphylactic reactions are foods, insect stings, medications, and latex.  Anaphylaxis typically affects more than one part of the body at the same time, and symptoms may happen very quickly.  They can include a feeling of warmth, flushing, a red, itchy rash, feelings of light-headedness, shortness of breath, throat tightness, anxiety, gastrointestinal pain and/or vomiting, and diarrhea.  In severe cases, you may experience a drop in blood pressure that results in a loss of consciousness and shock. Anaphylaxis requires immediate medical treatment often with a trip to an emergency room.  If it is not treated properly and promptly, anaphylaxis can be fatal.

Stop Suffering!  Allergy Relief is Here Now!

We Offer Testing and Treatment for Environmental and Food Allergies

Modern Nose Clinic’s allergy care team will run tests to determine the source of your allergic reaction.  We find that many patients are vulnerable to more than one allergen.  As allergens stack up, patients’ symptoms and suffering increase. Our skilled, professional allergy team offers testing and treatment for food allergies (including tree nuts, peanuts, dairy, eggs, and shellfish), environmental allergies (dust, mold, pets), and seasonal outdoor allergies (tree and grass pollens).

Learn More About Allergy Testing

Safe Adult and Pediatric Allergy Therapy

Modern immunotherapy can provide meaningful relief from allergy symptoms.  Once your allergens have been identified, we will develop your personalized treatment strategy.  Depending on the severity of your allergies, sublingual allergy drop therapy may be included.

Advanced, Painless Allergy Treatment

Allergy Relief for Children and Adults

Sublingual Immunotherapy, also known as SLIT or allergy drops, is administered as a drop under the tongue and is used to treat people with respiratory allergies caused by pollens, molds, dust mites, and animal dander.  Allergy drops can be easily and conveniently administered at home.  Allergy drop immunotherapy treatment has a low occurrence of side effects, which are generally mild in nature.  Patients enjoy effective treatment and numerous benefits.

  • ‍No frequent office visits
  • ‍Less time away from work or school
  • ‍No injections, less pain, lower anxiety
  • Personalized treatment on your schedule
Learn more about Allergy Drops

Don't let allergies control your life.
Real relief is possible!

Contact our allergy care team today.

Modern Nose Clinic

(503) 877-9966

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