Medicine is broken, there is no doubting that. We started the Modern Nose Clinic as an "idea factory." The goal is big and audacious: FIXING MEDICINE ONE IDEA AT A TIME.
We started with efforts to create a different clinical experience. We aspire to deliver a WORLD CLASS PATIENT EXPERIENCE. Our appointments begin from the comfort of your home. When you arrive, we already know you from our PRE-CONSULT INSIGHT software. How strange for a provider to walk into the room already knowing your story. (How refreshing)
We deliver your care EFFICIENTLY. We measure your results. We are not afraid to look carefully when our patients are not yet perfect. We will offer additional treatment so we can "get you as close to perfect as humanly possible."
We undertake our ROOT CAUSE ANALYSIS, so we can do "more knowing and less guessing." Once we know what each patient is up against, we create a custom treatment plan perfect for you.
We MEASURE your progress with our severity tracker software. Ultimately, we want to see your number approach zero. "What is measured, improves."
With our process-driven approach, we believe we deliver better outcomes, at a lesser cost, more efficiently than anywhere else.
Hear it from Dr. Doug, our medical director.
Wishing you ALL THE BEST from TEAM Modern Nose Clinic!